The Place Beyond The Pines (2012)

A film that speaks to male audiences with just enough spark of magic.


Beautiful film and handheld cinematography brings us back in time with a meaningful story capturing the importance of fatherhood. Told in 2 connected parts, once the engine propelling the plot is revealed, you'll play along until the pivotal climax.


The film is told in a few arcs. You think the film is about Ryan Gosling whom has a bit too much screentime which makes the second half slightly jarring. But it's necessary although not as cohesive as it should be. It's a bit messy how everything is put together but the vision is definitely there just not executed to be as poignant as it could be. Bradley Cooper's turn is a bit forced and so is Dane DeHaan, but still overall has just enough magic for those growing up in the 90s-2000s.


It's a good film that should speak to some men, likely in a good way. As always, Ryan Gosling plays another one of these relatable characters in yet another film showcasing why he is deserving of the "literally me" meme.



Drive (2011)


Zodiac (2007)