Buster’s Mal Heart (2016)

Mr. Robot without the hacking.


If you wanted to see Mr. Robot on the big screen, this is pretty close, if you ignore how much worse it is than the acclaimed TV series. This film can be summed up as the Rami Malek show. He plays a similarly schizophrenic character in another conspiracy thriller, except there is no thrill. This is a Netflix film and a pretty bad one. It attempts to be an artistic thematic masterpiece but it ends up being so poorly executed it’s ultimately incomprehensible and pretentious. Even if there is some potentially thought provoking symbolism, it’s all jumbled together like legos randomly thrown in the toy box.


There are some key lines of dialogue that reveal the intention of the film. Complaining about the indentured servitude of paying for rent and the scene with the split paths, symbolize the impact of the choices we make.


This movie is nearly a disaster. But some of the ideas are decent enough that I bothered to review it. It’s quite an embarrassment for the director, which reveal her cards of trying very hard to establish herself as an auteur, but Buster’s bad heart, ultimately has no heart at all. And most of all, you’ll probably finish the film and take nothing with you.



Life of Pi (2012)


Once Upon a Time… In Hollywood (2019)