The Skin I Live In (2011)

If you've been sleeping on Spanish films this will get you rolling.


A twisted but beautifully organic piece shot on film. Has a bit of Clockwork Orange vibe to it as well. The production is minimal but the dialogue and events unfold so brutally. Antonio Banderas really sells his character's trauma empathetically.


You really pity the events. It's one of the few films where everyone is wronged yet no one is really truly the bad guy at the end of it. It's a bit of an emotional ride as you sympathize but also want justice while also root for everyone. At least for me. It makes you question morality as everything is presented in an ethical ambiguous manner.


A great film, seductively presented and touching a bit of your subconscious in the process.


Nightcrawler (2014)


Birdman (The Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance) (2014)