The Handmaiden (2016)
A masterclass in camera movement, if only it could move audiences.
This film is gorgeous, though sometimes inconsistent. Especially in the beginning you are gifted with some of the most impressionable crane camera moves with beautiful lighting. Korean cinematography here is precise and deliberate, however, this does not apply through the entire lengthy movie, which ends up feeling a bit lazy and disjointed.
The film has acts and somewhat complex story of deceit and mystery. Korean films have twists, but i found the twists in this film not particularly well executed. The characters don't have the necessary ambiguity to make the duplicity believable once you know all the cards. The reverse uno really invalidates the twist like pulling out the rug beneath the audience. What you are left feeling is being cheated of the reward this film promised. This film may be better depending on which version you watch.
This mystery thriller once again demonstrates Korean mastery of cinematography. It's not so much that Korean films are all amazing, it's that the good ones are the only ones worth watching and will be reviewed. This film is critically acclaimed, but your experience will largely depend on which version you watch.
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- action 80
- adventure 52
- animation 28
- biographical 39
- chinese 14
- comedy 56
- coming of age 21
- crime 84
- culinary 8
- detective 17
- documentary 7
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- suspense 23
- swedish 1
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- thriller 137
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- zombie 5
- 🌶 3
- 🌶🌶 31
- 🌶🌶🌶 144
- 🌶🌶🌶🌶 205
- 🌶🌶🌶🌶🌶 61
Korean zombies infect western cinema.