Ballerina (2023)
Jane Wick with the Dragon Tattoo.
I am not a fan of the visuals of this Korean action thriller. In an attempt for a stylized grade they leaned heavily into halation and over saturated grade. Lens choices were erratic shifting from pincushion to barrel. Jeon Jong-seo tries her best but the script is bland.
A typical revenge tale, we never feel connected to the character, whose life is taken before we see their backstory. It's really hard to make the audience care when you structure the timeline this way. I never felt convinced that someone would go to such lengths for a friend, which was made more egregious by over-dramatization. I wouldn't say it's the lead actor's fault as she never really overacts, its just the script is far too cliche. The story does pick up for the second half of the film, and the gun-fu style is actually pretty fun.
Disappointing, Jeon Jong-seo should choose her films more carefully. The film borders on stylized and unappealing, which could have been saved if only the story was any good. The only thing redeeming is the action sequences. Female audiences may find this revenge plot satisfying.
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- action 80
- adventure 52
- animation 28
- biographical 39
- chinese 14
- comedy 56
- coming of age 21
- crime 84
- culinary 8
- detective 17
- documentary 7
- drama 250
- driving 7
- experimental 17
- fantasy 49
- french 10
- german 3
- heist 9
- historical 26
- horror 66
- japanese 10
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- music 17
- mystery 79
- norwegian 1
- psychological 34
- romance 48
- russian 1
- satire 16
- sci-fi 56
- spanish 6
- sports 7
- superhero 9
- suspense 23
- swedish 1
- thai 1
- thriller 137
- war 21
- western 10
- zombie 5
- 🌶 3
- 🌶🌶 31
- 🌶🌶🌶 144
- 🌶🌶🌶🌶 205
- 🌶🌶🌶🌶🌶 61
All I want for Christmas is an action blockbuster.