Defying traditional alien tropes.


When you think of alien or sci-fi, one would typically expect a low quality script with resources dumped into futuristic production design and aesthetics. This is an alien film that approaches it from a unique angle, utilizing found footage style news reporting to build the universe. The alien CGI surprisingly holds up even despite what feels like a low budget indie film, making up for it in spades with a compelling script with unexpected turns and substantial themes. It’s also unintentionally funny as aliens are presented as living the lives we’d expect for their symbolic counterparts.


This film portrays the parallels of extraterrestial aliens to illegal aliens in America. It could be eye opening with a relatively unbiased political portrayal that is foremost intended to entertain rather than reducate.


A wild concoction of aliens and found footage with plenty of fun and depth, perfect balancing not taking itself too seriously while also providing audiences a substantial story with deeper meaning. It never attempts to impress you visually, but that’s how the script catches you off guard. Considering all the mediocre alien films out there, this one is definitely a breath of fresh air.



Source Code (2011)


TRON: Legacy (2010)