The best romance films are the ones that blend genres.


Hoyte Van Hoytema's earlier camera work with tastefully desaturated and cold grade with naturalistic lighting. Everything is so minimalist for this Swedish film. Lighting is very intriguing, mostly motivated by white fluorescent street lamps. It's very basic, but somehow consistently memorable with it's own style. It really sells the gothic vampire vibe.


This is the best vampire film, the best romance film, and also a compelling drama. The bullying aspects are so raw and the relationships and so pure and genuine, it doesn't feel like a film, it's like a documentary. How they effortless incorporate all these elements into one masterpiece is quite extraordinary for what appears to be an indie film. It's deceptively one of the best films you can watch with super refreshing european sensibilities.



Donnie Darko (2001)


Predestination (2014)