Pulp Fiction (1994)
The triumphant cult classic marks Quentin Tarantino best film.
Tarantino always shoots on film with his characteristic style of lighting, violence and pop cultural dialogue. Told in several parts and characters povs, you can see the inspiration from Chungking Express, except this film masters that. All of these traits along with tension and unpredictable writing are hallmarks for what ends up being Tarantinoesque. Unlike other compilation of shorts, the film brings everything together by connecting a few of the stories. This is what makes the ending so rewarding as everything comes full circle. Iconic dance scenes, vibrant characters and nuanced decision making create a compelling experience. Although this is one of the less violent films, it is just as satisfying.
Although his other films like Inglorious Basterds and Kill Bill are arguably better, there is unmatched charm and personality captured in this lightning in bottle that makes it a must see film.
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- action 80
- adventure 52
- animation 28
- biographical 39
- chinese 14
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- coming of age 21
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- thriller 137
- war 21
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- zombie 5
- 🌶 3
- 🌶🌶 31
- 🌶🌶🌶 144
- 🌶🌶🌶🌶 205
- 🌶🌶🌶🌶🌶 61
When a supporting lead steals the show.