The Quick and the Dead (1995)

A fun Western in between different filmmaking periods.


Sharon Stone, young Leonardo diCaprio and a wide cast fill out a diverse palette of characters that make you want to root for nearly everyone.


The premise of the film is very engaging with a classic competition wittling down until the final players. With charismatic characters, you'll be rooting for your own character arc, though I have to say Russell Crowe's character is borderline frustrating. This plot structure compels you to watch until the very end, and like a good film, even if you know what happens, you'll still enjoy it anyway because you want to see how the characters reach the finish line.


The world building is immaculate with it's own 1990s style inbetween classic western and modern. it's just a whole lot of fun and a great entry into older westerns.


Zodiac (2007)


The Illusionist (2006)