Baby Driver (2017)

A vibrant, colorful film, but they should have chose a different lead to drive this movie.


The film has some unique cinematography with a heavy emphasis on color. This film utilizes heavy symbolism through color, which would perhaps mean something if this film had more emotional depth, but it is ultimately an action film with spectacular driving sequences. The film has some story aspects of 21, big heists, betrayal and action sequences with the tone almost solely set by Kevin Spacey. The although the script was interesting, the main character is soft spoken and frankly not charismatic enough to make you want to root for him and unfortunately the heart of this film rides on his shoulders. It has all the makings of a great film, but this element alone hold the movie back.


A unique action film with everything going for it except a compelling lead. It's curious why they would choose such great supporting actors yet such a bland lead. A fun ride, but not as good as Drive.



Blue Valentine (2010)


The Favourite (2018)