Gone Girl (2014)
How well do you know your partner?
Another Fincher thriller with subversive elements. This time the film introduces new elements from previous films with the same precision mixed with ambiguity. Well presented though I still feel it is more one sided making it less impactful than other films. The film could be devlishing entertaining, or agonizingly twisted.
Depending on how well the film is received, has potential to bury deep into the minds of many, instilling paranoia and doubt. It may make you hesistant and allow certain demons to take the light in a very shocking story.
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- action 80
- adventure 52
- animation 28
- biographical 39
- chinese 14
- comedy 56
- coming of age 21
- crime 84
- culinary 8
- detective 17
- documentary 7
- drama 250
- driving 7
- experimental 17
- fantasy 49
- french 10
- german 3
- heist 9
- historical 26
- horror 66
- japanese 10
- korean 11
- lgb 3
- music 17
- mystery 79
- norwegian 1
- psychological 34
- romance 48
- russian 1
- satire 16
- sci-fi 56
- spanish 6
- sports 7
- superhero 9
- suspense 23
- swedish 1
- thai 1
- thriller 137
- war 21
- western 10
- zombie 5
- πΆ 3
- πΆπΆ 31
- πΆπΆπΆ 144
- πΆπΆπΆπΆ 205
- πΆπΆπΆπΆπΆ 61
2000s thrillers were something else.