500 Days of Summer (2009)
A fan favorite romance speaking to hearts of hopeless romantics.
Joseph Jordan Levitt really nails the hopeless romantic, headphones in listening to indie music like The Smiths falling in love with the quirky beautifully mysterious girl. A unique take on a relatable story that could relive growing pains or frustrate you.
The film uses nonlinear storytelling and monologues to put you in the mind of the unreliable and biased mindset of those blinded by love. It hits hard beause it is quite realistically brutal how easy it is to have your heart broken. Zoey Deschanel isn't particularly impressive, but perhaps accurately depicts the aloof and indifference girl next door, fueling hatred and allowing the audience to more easily take sides. Overall a little frustrating and emotionally unfulfilling by design, i wish Levitt would take control and do more, but i didn't feel like the film allowed for such nuance.
It appears I am not very good at reviewing romance films because many adore this film. Even though I found the plot relatable, I still didn't particularly enjoy it despite being a unique perspective, feeling emotionally mediocre.
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- 🌶🌶🌶 144
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- 🌶🌶🌶🌶🌶 61
An unexpectedly auteur romcom.