No Hard Feelings (2023)
No feelings at all, really.
Jennifer Lawrence plays her typical typecast role: a sassy sarcastic and grouchy woman that is actually quite tsundere this time around. It's quite clear that she carries the film on her shoulders as it's mostly her yelling in the style of Will Ferrell's humor. This ultimately makes the the male character invisible and dominated by design. The chemistry is not truly convincing.
The premise sounds humorous trying to get a nerdy virgin laid, but the film doesn't have that many particularly laugh out loud moments. There is a nude scene, which was pretty awesome and shows how overpowering Lawrence can be. She performs well in this film as well and acts a very realistic conversion scene. However, the lead opposite of her is not convincing nor particularly engaging as a character. He does definitely fit the role, just not charismatic to make you care about him by the end of the film. Also, is a comedy about an older woman seducing male teens really not strange to anyone else?
A typical rom-com that's uplifting and sassy throughout with nothing meaningful to offer other than one particular nude scene, which is probably the sole reason/selling point for how this film was conceived. Lots of yelling but not a lot of laughs. A mindless modern coming of age romcom with not much going for it.
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- action 80
- adventure 52
- animation 28
- biographical 39
- chinese 14
- comedy 56
- coming of age 21
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- culinary 8
- detective 17
- documentary 7
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- sci-fi 56
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- thriller 137
- war 21
- western 10
- zombie 5
- πΆ 3
- πΆπΆ 31
- πΆπΆπΆ 144
- πΆπΆπΆπΆ 205
- πΆπΆπΆπΆπΆ 61
An unexpectedly auteur romcom.