The Departed (2006)
Cat and mouse gangster masterpiece by Scorsese.
New Englanders will especially appreciate this setting. The film follows Massachusetts crime with thoughtful and motivated characters brought to life. Violence, deceit, malevolence, realism all brought to life in this cat and mouse thriller that never has a dull moment. Leonardo plays a good lead, Nicholson is always a pleasure as the villain and Mark Wahlberg somehow fits perfectly into this Boston undercover cop thriller.
This is one of the most compelling scripts that will make you invested in the character. The script is tight and dialogue never holds your hand for a moment. I think this is one of Scorseseβs best films, which never makes you lose interest for a second. This is textbook definition of nail biter edge of your seat experience. What all thrillers should strive for.
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- action 80
- adventure 52
- animation 28
- biographical 39
- chinese 14
- comedy 56
- coming of age 21
- crime 84
- culinary 8
- detective 17
- documentary 7
- drama 250
- driving 7
- experimental 17
- fantasy 49
- french 10
- german 3
- heist 9
- historical 26
- horror 66
- japanese 10
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- lgb 3
- music 17
- mystery 79
- norwegian 1
- psychological 34
- romance 48
- russian 1
- satire 16
- sci-fi 56
- spanish 6
- sports 7
- superhero 9
- suspense 23
- swedish 1
- thai 1
- thriller 137
- war 21
- western 10
- zombie 5
- πΆ 3
- πΆπΆ 31
- πΆπΆπΆ 144
- πΆπΆπΆπΆ 205
- πΆπΆπΆπΆπΆ 61
Hollywood film noir doesnβt seem that high up anymore.