A stressful film that gets you emotionally invested.


In typical Safdie style, you have long lenses, grainy images in New York. If it ain't broke, don't fix it. The Safdies are really carving a style for themselves and you have one of the most chaotic nonstop films with no time to breathe, but you'll be gripped the whole time. The grain is gritty and perfectly complements the story.


The Safdie brothers bring us another great story of a grifter trying to make ends meet. This is a more polished version of Good Time as Adam Sandler really begins to show his chops as a real actor as opposed to comedian. You really bond with the struggles of this protagonist and you really wanna see him succeed or at least catch a break. The challenges feel insurmountable and grounded in reality as all the characters play their parts well. There are only a handful of films that can make you feel as stressed as this but you'll enjoy every second you invest in it.


If you are new to the Safdie brothers, this is the film to watch. A stressful film experience, but a rollercoaster of emotions start to finish



Bones and All (2022)


Upgrade (2018)